Human Rights Policy

Respect for human rights is fundamental principle of Coverboard. We are committed to protecting and promoting respect in human rights. This Policy’s principles are sourced from the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. With this policy Coverboard seeks further strengthening the respect for human rights throughout its people and their families, increasing by this our reputation as a responsible organization.

Coverboard operates in the Greek territory fully respecting the constitution and laws of the Greek government.

Coverboard respects human rights and follows all relevant local and national laws regarding child labour, discrimination in employment, the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.

We are aligned with International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work which covers:

  •  abolishing child labour
  • eliminating all forms of forced or compulsory labour
  • eliminating discrimination in employment and occupation
  • freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining

We are obliged to respect all human rights, significant part of them are listed as follows:

We respect the diversity of the people we work with and do not accept any tolerance for any kind or form of discrimination. We align on the principle of equal treatment and opportunities regardless of gender, social status, nationality, origin, age, social status, sexual orientation, culture, background, skills, education, personality.

Family life
We support and respect the right of our employees to family live and motherhood. We support our people to improve the balance between their family and professional life.

Life, freedom and security
We continuously strive to secure working environment which is healhty and safe. We provide safety and hygiene conditions in the workplace, with access to drinking water, toilets, dining areas and food storage areas.

Freedom of collective bargaining
We respect the freedom of association and collective bargaining.

Child labor
We do not employ anyone under the age of 18 in our company. We offer the opportunity for young people to carry out apprenticeship and internship programs, building work experience in our organization, following relevant educational process approved either by us or by external educational institutes.

Slavery and forced labor
The use of any form of forced or compulsory labour is prohibited as well as physical, psychological or sexual harassment and verbal abuse, including work under loan agreement. We do not keep original, legal (I.D. and passport) documents.

At Coverboard we recognize the aforementioned principles and values as vital and crucial for both social and economic development. We are therefore committed to upholding them for as long as we stay active.

Συνεργασίες - Αντιπροσωπείες